
Father and Daughter (corto animado/Short film Animated)

Father and Daughter is a 2000 Dutch animated short film, made by Michaël Dudok de Wit. It won the 2000 Academy Award for Animated Short Film.
The film also received over 20 awards and 1 nomination and is considered the most successful in the series of works by Michaël. It was also included in the Animation Show of Shows. ( (
Father and Dauther é um curta animado holandês de 2000, feito por Michael Dudok de Wit. Venceu o Academy Award de 200 na categoria Curta-metragem de animação.
O filme recebeu também mais de 20 premiações e 1 nominação, e é considerado o mais bem sucedido da série de trabalhos de Michael. Foi incluído no Animation Show of Shows (

Directed by Michaël Dudok de Wit
Produced by Claire Jennings and Willem Thijssen
Written by Michaël Dudok de Wit
Music by Normand Roger and Denis L. Chartrand
Release date - 2000
Country - UK, Belgium and Netherlands
