
The Tale of How

Nine months of part time work gave birth to The Blackheart Gang’s acclaimed short film, The Tale of How. The Tale of How is the second part of a trilogy of works called The Dodo Trilogy. It is later to be flanked by The Tale of Then and The Tale of When. The Dodo Trilogy, in turn, fits into a much greater work called The Household. In The Tale of How we meet a giant octopus with a tree growing in his head, the terror of the Indian Ocean, OTTO THE MONSTER! His lonely pass-time is to devour the innocent dodo’s who lived on his head. We then see the dodos unite and with the help of a little white mouse, we see them escape the clutches of the terrible be-tentacled tyrant and sail off into the sunset on their mother the tree.

The Tale of How consists of a series of 13 prints, a coffee table book, and a short animated film.

Behind the scenes look at the production process of Tale of How. We were asked to do a talk at Resfest Capetown. We had one of these Q&A’s before, where we just stood there in front of a theatre full of people staring blankly at us and we staring blankly back at them. We decided that for this event we will answer questions without people having to ask them (even if they never planned to ask them in the first place) and we made this documentry instead. Done over a weekend on a stolen computer, with more action stories that we dare not mention
