Halo is a best-selling military science fiction first-person shooter video game franchise created by Bungie and now managed and developed by 343 Industries, a subsidiary of Microsoft Studios.
The series centers on an interstellar war between humanity and a theocratic alliance of aliens known as the Covenant. The Covenant, led by their religious leaders called the Prophets, worship an ancient civilization known as the Forerunners, who perished in combat with the parasitic Flood.
See also:
Halo Spartan Strike - Movie : http://bit.ly/1SJgZ1Q
Halo Reach - Full Movie - Director's Cut : http://bit.ly/1YpnzyH
Halo Evolutions - The Mona Lisa - Full Movie : http://bit.ly/1MpqYN9
Halo Legends - Full movie : http://bit.ly/1UVuhhH
Halo HellJumper - Official Movie Trailer -HD : http://bit.ly/25UJZxo
Halo Movie Trailer 2012 : http://bit.ly/1SZkeoz
Halo 2 Anniversary - All Cutscenes - Full Movie : http://bit.ly/1YpnMBR
Halo 3 ODST - Full Movies - Walkthrough : http://bit.ly/1VN0neD
Halo 4 Story - Chief Returns and Awakens once again : http://bit.ly/25UIKOz
Halo 4 Forward Unto Dawn - Full Movie : http://bit.ly/1S0PPnc
Halo Evolutions - The Return : http://bit.ly/1YpnXNA
Halo Evolutions - Headhunters : http://bit.ly/22ozlu7
Halo Evolutions - Midnight in the Heart of Midlothian : http://bit.ly/1Vi4h00
Halo Movie Trailer 2014 : http://bit.ly/22oB0Qd
Halo Nightfall - Survival is a choice - Full Movie 2014 - HD Ver : http://bit.ly/1VN0NBG
Halo Nightfall - Survival is a choice - Movie 2014 : http://bit.ly/1VN0NBG
Halo 5 Guardians - Full Movie - Walkthrough : http://bit.ly/1SsSNAn
Halo Full Movie HD : http://bit.ly/1qiZEWv
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